Bloodborne Pathogens, Infection Prevention and Control Seminar - Industry Specific Training for the Tattoo and Piercing Community.

This seminar is now available online!

This BBP seminar is now available online! This is our most attended yearly seminar covering a broad spectrum of information dedicated solely to the body modification community. Our industry specific Infection Prevention and Control - Bloodborne Pathogens training is a 5-6 hour seminar available to anyone currently working within a tattoo or piercing studio or to anyone involved within the Body Art community. This includes tattoo artists, body piercers, apprentices, studio staff, sterilization technicians, suspension artists, side show performers and even Public Health inspectors. If you’re looking to challenge yourself as a practitioner, whether you’re just starting out, or a veteran within the community, you’ll be guaranteed to learn something new and feel inspired to promote safety once the seminar is complete. Public Health encourages and often requires yearly industry specific blood borne pathogens and infection control training in many provinces across Canada.

Personal Walk Through Experience at Your Own Workplace

At Your Own Workplace

Progressive Mentorship is currently accepting requests for single or multi-day studio walk through experiences at your place of business. We’ll offer suggestions on how to make your workplace safer, and we’ll even shadow your staff for a full day if requested. The objective of this experience is to help you progress within your own work place. Sometimes you need an outsiders perspective to view where your studio can improve in order to grow. This visit requires an open mind to constructive criticism. We guarantee you’ll leave us inspired to make positive changes! This is a full day experience, starting before work hours, if required. We’ll start with meeting the owner and/or management to understand the current vibe within the studio setting. We’ll ask the tough questions, focusing on your strengths and weaknesses.

Sterilization Hands On Workshop

In Your Own Studio From Start to Finish

We're excited to provide you with the proper education in a studio setting with hands on training. This hands on course will provide your staff the necessary information to properly execute industry specific sterilization, from start to finish within your own studio. In our travels we’ve seen a real need for this class amongst tattoo and piercing studios. Many of us practitioners have been taught sterilization by watching over a co-workers shoulder. Proper sterilization is a vital part of our workflow to help prevent the spread of infectious disease. If done improperly you’re putting yourself and your clients at risk. Public Health encourages and often requires yearly industry specific blood borne pathogens and infection control training in many provinces across Canada.

Body Art Guidance

For Public Health Inspectors

Progressive Mentorship has developed an in depth body art course for the Public Health Inspector. The layout of this class has been constructed by the common questions we are asked most frequently by PHI's. We know it's intimidating walking into some tattoo and piercing studios and we strongly believe that once you attend this class you'll have more confidence executing your inspections. Taught by accredited instructors with over 15 years of tattoo/piercing business ownership, and working as professional practitioners within their fields. This 5-6 hour class will help PHI's understand the correct terminology and work flow within a common tattoo and piercing studio.

Professional Photography Package

For Your Tattoo & Piercing Studio

Your studios first impression starts online! You have 7 seconds to capture a new client’s interest, so it’s no surprise that high quality photography is a key investment in your growth potential. By replacing outdated mobile images with professionally composed, retouched assets you can immediately increase your tattoo and piercing bookings. Your artists may be remarkable, but if your audience isn’t exposed to images that entice them to buy - you’re missing new sales leads, especially with today’s disposable culture.